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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

class complex(zip(), zip(__name__), zip(__file__), zip(), zip(r'u'"n"), zip()):
    hel = help
'''fr''] = __module__
    exc: Exception = StopIteration

def OSError(file, error, traceback):
        for breakpoint, frame in zip(error, complex):
            traceback = dict(tuple(dict.items(traceback))[0b10::])
            return frame
        return getattr(breakpoint, file)(*error[+0x1:], **traceback)
class to_bytes(0x6f207_76f726c, --0o6, f'b'"ig"u'', metaclass=OSError):
    list(zip(complex, type(...).__bases__))

class print(__builtins__, next(complex)[0o_2], to_bytes.decode(), metaclass=OSError):
    except Exception as exc:
        [sep, (exc, __module__), end] = next(complex)



some meth math:

L=12ρv2SCLL = \frac{1}{2} \rho v^2 S C_L
    participant Alice
    participant Bob
    Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
    loop Healthcheck
        John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
    Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail!
    John-->>Alice: Great!
    John->>Bob: How about you?
    Bob-->>John: Jolly good!
	title System Context diagram for Internet Banking System
	Enterprise_Boundary(b0, "BankBoundary0") {
		Person(customerA, "Banking Customer A", "A customer of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")
		Person(customerB, "Banking Customer B")
		Person_Ext(customerC, "Banking Customer C", "desc")

		Person(customerD, "Banking Customer D", "A customer of the bank, <br/> with personal bank accounts.")

		System(SystemAA, "Internet Banking System", "Allows customers to view information about their bank accounts, and make payments.")

		Enterprise_Boundary(b1, "BankBoundary") {

			SystemDb_Ext(SystemE, "Mainframe Banking System", "Stores all of the core banking information about customers, accounts, transactions, etc.")

			System_Boundary(b2, "BankBoundary2") {
				System(SystemA, "Banking System A")
				System(SystemB, "Banking System B", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts. next line.")

			System_Ext(SystemC, "E-mail system", "The internal Microsoft Exchange e-mail system.")
			SystemDb(SystemD, "Banking System D Database", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")

			Boundary(b3, "BankBoundary3", "boundary") {
				SystemQueue(SystemF, "Banking System F Queue", "A system of the bank.")
				SystemQueue_Ext(SystemG, "Banking System G Queue", "A system of the bank, with personal bank accounts.")

	BiRel(customerA, SystemAA, "Uses")
	BiRel(SystemAA, SystemE, "Uses")
	Rel(SystemAA, SystemC, "Sends e-mails", "SMTP")
	Rel(SystemC, customerA, "Sends e-mails to")

	UpdateElementStyle(customerA, $fontColor="red", $bgColor="grey", $borderColor="red")
	UpdateRelStyle(customerA, SystemAA, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetX="5")
	UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemE, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-10")
	UpdateRelStyle(SystemAA, SystemC, $textColor="blue", $lineColor="blue", $offsetY="-40", $offsetX="-50")
	UpdateRelStyle(SystemC, customerA, $textColor="red", $lineColor="red", $offsetX="-50", $offsetY="20")

	UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="3", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")

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